Since 2002 I have worked in the cinema field, first producing promotional contents for films (making of, trailers), then as a director and screenwriter. These are the films I worked in: “La Banda dei Babbi Natale” co-writer (2# italian movie @ box-office 2010) “Il ricco, il povero e il maggiordomo” director and co-writer (1# italian movie @ box-office 2014) “Tre Lire Primo Giorno” producer, co-writer, editor “Una boccata d’aria” co-writer “Scappo a casa” co-writer “Fuga da Reuma Park” director and co-writer “La leggenda di Al, John e Jack” making of “Tu la conosci Claudia?” trailers e making of “Il cosmo sul comò” trailers e making of “Ci vuole un gran fisico” trailers “La cura del gorilla” making of